Sunday, 1 April 2012

Which learning style are you?

Here is a free test you can take to determine what kind of learner you are:

1 comment:

  1. I found this quiz extremely interesting and I also find that it really links to your review post: "Review Three: Encouraging Learning Styles".

    I wanted to share my results:
    Visual 22
    Social 27
    Physical 25
    Aural 25
    Verbal 20
    Solitary 12
    Logical 14

    I found these results to be extremely accurate because I'm the type of student that learns through interaction in a group setting with other students. I also like visually seeing things such as videos, pictures, graphs etc, and through "physical" things such as field trips in regards to the topic. This really connects to the activity that we did in class where we lined up along the class room on a 1-10 scale basing it on how much we agree with the banking method or the problem-posing method. My results really confirm the fact that I agree and prefer the problem-posing method a lot more than the banking method. I think it would be really interesting to see if other students results turned out as accurate as mine!
    Thanks for posting this!

    Shannon Chatterton
