Thursday, 15 March 2012

Review One: School Uniforms Debate

The article written By Mansi Chitranshi on school uniforms is generally in favor of uniforms in an academic setting. I have personally never been to a school with uniforms, so when looking at Chitranshi’s pro’s and con’s lists I looked at them carefully. I see where both side of the debate are coming from.

“Reasons in Favor of Wearing School Uniforms

 •It takes away the feeling of envy between peers.

 •It helps decrease obedience trouble.

•A uniform assists the students achieve academically better. Students focus more on their education rather than on deciding what to wear.

 •Besides eliminating distraction, uniforms force students to take school atmosphere more critically” (Chitranchi, 2009).

“Reasons Against Wearing School Uniforms

 •It subtracts students' liberty to take decisions.

 •It doesn't let students feel distinctive and unique.

 •School uniforms hinder the need for the self expression of a kid. Sociologists claim that it may cause unsuitable ways of expression by kids, such as offensive usage of makeup and jewelry.

 •Uniforms take away children's identity. The pressure on a uniform dress code in school counters the spirit of unity in diversity and its merriment. It is even believed to confine socialization, an imperative feature of human nature” (Chitranchi, 2009).

Overall I agree more so with the pro’s side. Excluding the notion of striving academically based on a uniform I whole heartedly agree with the idea of envy being taken away, eliminating distractions and disobedience. As I have said, I have never had a school uniform before but there are benefits besides the ones outlined in Chitranshi’s article. When children are all wearing the same thing prejudices are less likely to arise within a school, which would therefore makes prejudices less likely to occur outside of the school as well. The idea behind the uniforms is to make the children realize their equals, right? Well, I thoroughly believe that if children treat each other equally because of wearing uniform clothing then it would greatly benefit their social lives outside of school. If they are taught that they are all equal then they will take that knowledge home with them.

The cons are all cohesive. They all pertain to the idea of children’s individual rights of expression. This raises a good point but when an argument is solely based on one point then it is a weak argument overall. Sure children need to be able to express themselves freely, but that does not necessarily mean that clothing must be that outlet. Chitranshi seemed to agree with this by saying that not all children can afford high end clothing. A uniform will only even out the playing field at school for those who are not as wealthy as their peers.

Overall, coming from a non-uniform school I believe uniforms are a good thing. They can be beneficial, and although not many schools use a uniform code of conduct I believe Chitranshi was implying that more schools should take one on. Uniforms serve a purpose. Prep schools do not only use them to make their students look good after all.

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